Corporate Photography: A Snapshot

February 27, 2015In Framework5 Minutes

It seems as though everyone is a photographer today, with apps like Instagram, Flickr, and Facebook allowing for quick, easy photo sharing. Brands have a unique opportunity to showcase their team using the growing social media market in photography. Having quality, clear professional headshots is essential to communicate both relevancy and formality. We spoke with a creative designer and photographer, who gave her a take on corporate headshots and their importance for businesses.

Why is it important to get quality head shots?

Your clients receive impressions of you in every interaction – from browsing your website, to communicating with you via email, to scrolling through your social media pages. At any given moment, when experiencing that connection to your brand, both images and the related content are absorbed – impressions are formed quickly and often cannot be reversed. Even individuals who have had no experience with photography can tell the difference between a photo that was taken from a phone versus one that was arranged and taken skillfully – that difference means the world when approaching corporate headshots.

Photography set up in a studio

A clean and professional headshot establishes recognition for the name/voice that the client has been connecting with. Technology has made it effortless for individuals to search for you and your brand at the click of a button. Before meeting you (or even contacting you), information is gathered, and the “Meet the Team” page (or some equivalent) is skimmed through. Whether they know it or not, customers are looking into your eyes and searching for an approachable, friendly and trustworthy face.

Once the photographs are selected and edited, they can be posted to social media and other corporate profiles, lending both a professional and more human feel to business text and website information. A conversation is started.

How can I get the best results?

Ensure that you have a relaxed posture, becoming comfortable in front of the camera. Take a few minutes to feel out which pose (or set of poses) works best for you; communicate with your photographer to create the best space in terms of lighting and positioning. Overall, having a relationship with your photographer can achieve the best results for your portrait. Asking questions and articulating clearly what you want the photos to represent will establish a sense of trust and avoid any miscommunication (which would only have to be corrected down the line). 

Smile – in corporate photography, a smile indicates approachability and professionalism. If your organization is more “casual,” or wants to convey a very laid-back vibe, outdoor photography can be pursued. Of course, every brand can make that decision; either way, taking advantage of natural light is every photographer’s dream, bringing out the best tones in the subject.

From a technical perspective, the surroundings should be clean and free of clutter. Any background canvas should be a neutral color without patterns, preferably white (it matches everything and lends brightness to the room and subjects). Individuals should wear solid color outfits that contrast to the background selected; for example, wearing a black suit on a black background will create a “floating head” effect. Appearing clearly, allowing for complementary colors to enhance the subject. 

What am I forgetting?

Photographers settle the focus on the eyes, making it as clear as possible in portraiture. Maintaining eye contact is crucial in any conversation, conveying authenticity and conviction. This translates to photography, making sure the subject’s eyes are the focus of the photograph, as though the viewer is in his or her presence.

Finally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself – the process of corporate photography is a fun one, allowing a brand to develop its unique face. Choosing a photographer that jives well with your team is crucial to achieving the best possible results.