Design Your Greatest Pitch Deck Yet

January 21, 2015In Framework4 Minutes

As brands begin to find their new pace in the new year, startups are perking up their ears, trying to pick up any tips and tricks to improve their image and business. While many options exist to assist them in their optimization, one of the easiest and more fun methods in design include creating design decks.

Raising money from investors isn’t easy in the best times, and for startups it can be especially challenging (without the experience that other brands have collected over the years). To perfect a pitch, a brand will need to follow specific points, achieving the ideal presentation framework.

Team looking over design decks and infographics on paper

Clean It Up

Investors are not interested in a cluttered and over-detailed presentation; a way to ensure that you begin on a strong note is to think about your “elevator pitch.” A common exercise in the business world, this condenses your message into a 60 to 90 second speech that clearly outlines objectives and points of interest. Startups can use this intro to showcase their market opportunity, starting on a positive note.

Moving through the pitch deck – crisp, simple slides that avoid busyness. To catch investors’ attention: state the problem first, then follow up with how your product or service addresses and solves the issue. Make sure to look at the problem from every angle, so that you can answer the question of “How does your product stand out in a unique way?”

Why You?

That uniqueness could be found within your company dynamic. Lend a human air to your brand’s design decks by designing a slide about the team, and what the brand itself is passionate about. A small detail, but it can go a long way in creating meaningful connection – if the investors see that your brand is relatable, they will further understand why customers will flock toward your business.

Battle Plan

The revenue model is the most importantly designed part of the pitch deck, as well as outlining a marketing/growth strategy that will reassure the investors that their interest in your brand is justified. Detailing financials can be a good move, but avoid putting in too much detail – leave room for questions and discussion, and omit any overwhelming data that will only confuse the presentation and distract from the brand message.

Be Your Biggest Fan

Of course, investors may randomly hear of your idea and seek you out; however, doing the research and achieving a connection through a reputable source will be the best way of earning attention. A respected referral can sometimes even be a good chunk of the battle. Wield that connection to start a conversation about how your brand is achieving goals, creatively outlining the need for additional funding – this will communicate your story visually and shape your brand into an experience rather than a tedious pitch.

This is Why

Use real customer success stories to showcase past achievements – and do not forget to clearly ask for the investment that you need. Investors appreciate directness and thoroughly thought-out numbers – give them what they want. Do not make them wait until the middle of the presentation to get to the point, or to give necessary detail.

Go into this exercise with confidence, knowing that your startup has value and marketability. If possible, continue to update the design decks; approaching it as a great cache of valuable content. Lastly, do not forget to obtain feedback in order to improve future investment endeavors.