Design an Experience, Not Just a Campaign

March 27, 2015In Framework3 Minutes

We’ve all heard the drill: we need a phenomenal user experience and interface, and fast! Create, create, create and do not forget to make it personable and technologically advanced. Businesses have become so focused on the entire package that they have forgotten about the most important thing about user experience: brand personality and warmth.

Find Your Roots

Go deep into the story you’re telling, and that story is multifaceted. The creator of the brand wants to evoke specific emotions in their viewers – does it accomplish that? What sort of information does the audience require, and how do they glean value from your brand? Meaning, what is that unique factor that distinguishes your brand from the competition, why should your intended users favor you over others? You know what that is. Focus on it and be proud and supportive of your story without overdoing it.

Two people collaborating on UI and user experience

From the other perspective, your users are processing the provided information in their own way (whether their perception matches the original intent or not). Consider how they are moving through your website and the fluidity with which they do so. What are they learning from interacting with your brand, what pulls them in and what pushes them away?

Now your job is to make them flow together, weaving and creating a fresh and energized user experience.

Generate Excitement

By creating an atmosphere where your users feel as though they are learning things on their own, the brand creates an impression that people associate with positively. Instead of spoon-feeding all of the content and information all at once, allowing your audience to follow a path through the entire user experience will promote shareability (they want to tell others what they discovered, proud of their success).

The mindset of your users may change day to day based on their emotional state and whatever experiences they had that day. Keeping this in mind, countless scenarios could be considered when designing your experience.

Stay Focused

Understand that your audience needs to have a smooth user interface design to take everything in the proper manner. However, do not become so immersed in the technological aspect that you lose sight of what’s important – creating an experience for the user that they will appreciate and remember in a user experience. If they are distracted by fancy graphics and animations, but lose sight of what your brand is about and the information provided, then you have deviated from your goal. Stay focused on drawing users in with a unique and personalized user experience.

Ultimately, your audience should feel connected to their user experience with your brand/website. Intrigue, happiness, excitement – as you evoke emotions, you craft genuine, meaningful connection and build an experience, not just a campaign.