Projecting Your Voice – Finding Your Passion

October 14, 2014In Interface, Experience3 Minutes

How do you make your website stand out, so that users enjoy working with and experiencing your brand voice? Individuals enjoy working with human beings, as opposed to an emotionless, robotic and ordinary interface. By grasping the voice of the founder and company mission and allowing that to permeate into the design of the site itself, you can construct a clear and crisp image in the mind of any viewer.

In order to create an exciting and engaging interface, an organization must have a strong passion. The underlying message is quite obvious – if there is no spirit, then the dedicated and strived-for goal will not be reached. Capturing your brand voice is a key step for authenticity.

Person on laptop typing brand voice

Imagine you are training for a marathon. The long, hard hours, the grueling work, pushing your body to lengths you would never have thought possible. Without a passion for running, or for accomplishing your goal, the training would be abandoned early in the process – without a drive, battling toward the ultimate objective seems futile. An organization must approach their own business in the same way, with equal ardor, to instill that excitement in their viewers!

Initially, it may seem difficult to capture your brand voice and put the company mission into words. The originator, though full of passion and drive, may simply have an image or idea in mind and the inability to properly express that in a definite manner. Working with a creative agency that knows how to ask the proper leading questions will bring that mission into a pure brand voice.

There can be an obvious distinction between the founder and any coders involved in the process. A coder may know how to build a site but may unsure how to inject the company purpose into the website design. A founder, by contrast, may know the ideas and concepts within the business’ voice, but becomes confused when approaching the technical aspect – how to implement the design strategy so it flows smoothly, something that the coder knows well. Therefore, it is crucial for both aspects to collaborate closely in order to accomplish that goal – thereby achieving coherency and consistency.

How? By engaging in visual storytelling. As with any great story, visual storytelling creates intrigue, evokes strong emotions, builds reader anticipation and rewards the engaged users. While most companies strive to emulate those around them, your company will stand out by engaging with your audience in a unique way. This will increase brand awareness, show your users what the organization’s unique benefits are, and develop an audience that will connect with your story (and want to be a part of it)!