What is Magento Community?

June 5, 2015In Web3 Minutes

Magento is an open-source platform and its community version can be installed without any long term software commitments or monthly licensing fees. To match project requirements, it can be modified to add features and functionality by utilizing widely available and rather inexpensive add-ons and plug-ins. The best part of Magento web design is its enterprise level flexibility and robustness.

At my web design firm, we build Magento sites regularly for many large and small online shops. Magento is actually one of the few platforms that we can recommend without hesitation, as we believe it its longevity. We started developing on the Magento framework about 5 years ago. During that time, we learned about flexibility and the great robustness of the platform, its expandability, and its stability. We’ve also seen great improvements and evolution of its core code, now with a framework in place, it is the perfect platform for responsive or adaptive web design, one of our favorite development methods.

According to recent studies, Magento is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms today. It has been used to run over a quarter of the million eCommerce sites around the globe. There are many reasons to choose Magento over other eCommerce platforms.

Here are a couple of highlights and out of box features:

Magento Community is mobile-ready and can be adapted into whatever industry. From fashion to hand tools or healthy snacks Magento Commerce can be set to many facets of different industries. Small businesses and large corporate brand online stores are run on the Magento platform entirely supporting complexity with its great infrastructure. Magento is also highly, flexible robust, and scalable that can be customized to specific requirements.

Responsive web stores mean you can have carefully designed user experience for all of the mobile and desktop browsers without compromise. It also makes the story somewhat future proof as new resolutions and aspect ratios are emerging.

Magento is very SEO friendly with awesome backend administrative panel. Complete search engine optimization can be performed without ever looking into code. Of course, if the front end is developed right. Something to keep in mind is that rebuild templets can’t always accommodate. IF you need a high level of flexibility and optimization then developing a custom theme is an ultimate solution.

The admin panel itself is very flexible and customizable too. Recently we finished a couple of projects where clients required specific views in the administrative section for reasons to better support their business logic and workflows. This is hard to accomplish with proprietary platforms such as Shopify or Squarespace. That doesn’t mean that we don’t like them just that in this protocolar scenario, we needed little more flexibility to fulfill the client’s requirements.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash