Understanding Mobile Apps and Development

June 18, 2014In Creativity, Agency3 Minutes

With the number of mobile device users growing leaps and bounds every coming year, many companies are focusing on developing their apps. There is a multitude of reasons for developing a mobile app. One company may intend to develop a product and sell it through the Apple or Google app marketplace, while another may want to give away its apps to get people familiar with their brand. Whatever the case is for your company, you want to understand what it takes to build a mobile app.

Person working on wireframes and mobile interface
Person working on wireframes and mobile interface

The first step is determining if your app idea is feasible for your needs. For instance, will it be something people want to buy or download? Will you be able to provide a service of value? If there are competing apps, can you make yours better? These are all important questions that you’ll need to ask yourself. The first step of the process will require a lot of research time.

The second step of development is to start the actual mobile app design process. You will need to come up with rough drafts to get an idea of your app’s appearance. Then you’ll need to focus on UI design to ensure that your app is easy to use and understand. The design process works for hand in hand with how the app functions so that you can get a wireframe and storyboard of how your app works.

Mobile Interface Example
Mobile Interface Example

The third step is to set up the backend of your app. You’ll need to set up servers, a backend system, storage, data tracking, etc. This will ensure that your app runs when you launch it to your audience. It will also help you collect important data so that you know how the app is being used. You’ll need to set this up before you try to launch on the app marketplaces because there are standards you will need to meet.

From there, it will be an ongoing process. You’ll have to continue to create updates to the app, keep reviewing a UX design, redo the UI, fix bugs, add more features, and add support. The whole process of app development is far from easy. That’s why you need to work with a company with the experience and expertise to create a winning mobile app.

As much as the whole development process is demanding, the one area you need to focus on is mobile app design. You need to ensure that your app is easy to use and understand. The UI should be optimally designed as that will significantly impact your mobile app’s success. Overlooking the design can lead to confusion, customer complaints, bad reviews, and, ultimately, the failure of your app.