5 Reasons to Consider Custom Coding for Corporate Sites

November 27, 2015In Collective4 Minutes

While using publicly available third-party applications can be budget-friendly, it’s not an ideal choice for many companies. If you have a corporate site and want it to perform optimally, you’ll need to use custom coding services. It will give you customization, flexibility, security, and other advantages you won’t get from third-party applications or templates. Here are some of the core reasons why custom coding is essential for a corporate website.

1. You Choose the Technology Works With Your Goals

You cannot simply say that one technology is better than the other. It all depends on what your goal is. For example, Java will probably work better for intensive applications than Ruby due to its faster performance. On the other hand, Ruby will be easier to adapt and optimal for simple applications. You want to go with the coding language that best fits what you’re trying to achieve with your corporate website.

2. You’ll Be Better Protected Against Security Flaws

With third-party applications, security will always be a concern. Because the code is publicly available, hackers can easily learn how the code is structured in order to hack into websites that are using it. Being a victim of security breaches can mean sensitive information being stolen or leaked to the public. It can also be very costly, as cyber-attacks can crash your site and render all your promotional efforts and investments worthless.

3. You’ll Be Set Up for Marketing Success

Coding a website from the ground up takes a long time, but it also can be very beneficial to your marketing. The coding and design can follow the guidelines for your marketing plan as well as proper SEO optimization. This means that your website will perform better and also receive more traffic from your search engine efforts. In addition, you’ll also be able to design and code your website for mobile users, which typically accounts for a respectable percentage of the total traffic.

4. The Design Will Fit Your Branding Needs and Goals

While coding is not really design, it does allow for your custom design needs to be met. It will help get the exact look and feel of your brand. Third-party templates require you to fit your logo, presentation, images, and text into a certain format which can be very limiting. Since you are creating the foundational structure of the website, you can create a custom format and even go back to make changes in the format to suit your changing needs.

5. Maximize Your Productivity with a Custom Backend

One of the most problematic aspects of working with a template is actually using the backend (admin controls). Some templates will have you going through a long process to make what should be simple changes. With custom coding, you can create a backend that gives you easy accessibility to the functions you need. You can also create the backend controls in a way where all the important parts of your website process is streamlined into step-by-step parts.