Benefits of WordPress Web Design

July 9, 2014In Framework4 Minutes

WordPress is an incredible content management system that is easy to use. It has many themes on its website that are free to download or you can buy custom themes from developers which allow you to customize various elements of your site’s design. However, there are many benefits to getting a professionally done WordPress design.

First, getting your website designed by a WordPress professional can help you reflect the brand and uniqueness of your website. A designer will have a keen eye on what kind of layout, colors, images and overall presentation can make your brand stand out and help your website stand apart from the masses. You can also expect customization to help you develop the kind of site you want whether it’s an eCommerce or membership based website.

Second, a designer/developer can help you build your WordPress site according to your SEO initiatives. While there are themes that are optimized for SEO and plug-ins for maximum SEO effectiveness, every business has their own way of building an SEO campaign. It really starts diverging when you go into site structure, siloing content, utilizing markups, etc. A professional can help you build around your needs and really gain the advantage in your search campaign.

Third, a professional can help secure your website. Freely available themes and even custom themes that are sold in the marketplace can have tons of security holes. The last thing you want to happen is for somebody to hack into your website and delete valuable files and content. If you want to be secure, hire a professional to set up the website. At the very least, you should have a professional look over the existing setup.

Fourth, a professional can help you design with UI and UX in mind. Most template themes and customizable themes are not optimized for these aspects of design. UI and UX impacts how long visitors stay on your website, how they engage once they’re on your website, and even how likely they are to refer your website to others. UI and UX design is tricky to do right and is a skill that few possess. That’s why working with a professional or firm that has knowledge on this topic can really make your design worth the investment.

Finally, getting your WordPress site professionally done can help you build a solid site. It’s not uncommon to have WordPress sites that have problems due to design errors and plug-in conflicts. A professional can help you get all the features you want on your site and get it running smoothly. You’ll also get knowledge on what plug-ins would work best for the features you’re seeking, which is something that designers would only know.

The bottom line is that you get what you pay for. You may want to start out with a free theme to see how WordPress works in the beginning. Eventually, it’ll be worth the money to get a professionally done WordPress web design. Support, free consulting and the updates you get are usually included with the project which makes it an outstanding value.