Spring Clean Your Image with a Brand Refresh

June 1, 2015In Marketing, Research4 Minutes

If you feel that you are out of touch with your audience, it might be time to spring clean your image with a brand refresh. Rebranding is done for different reasons. Sometimes it’s to target a bigger audience that can be lead to growth. Other times it’s to adapt to the changing environment and stay competitive. Regardless of the reason, this is a big change that requires big adjustments to not only your brand presentation but to also how your company functions on an internal level.

So where do you start with your Rebranding? The first order of business is to figure out exactly what you want to change and how you want to change it. Is your current strategy limiting you from growth or hurting your company in some way? How can you refocus and reposition the brand goals so that you can get on course to where you want to go? This requires a lengthy strategy session with your team and will be challenging to figure out. But it is essential that you are solid on where you want to go and how to go about it before you do anything else.

The next step is to change your visual presentation. You want to work with a designer (preferably one that specializes in branding) to create new designs that are aligned with your rebranding efforts. The first thing that people notice about your brand are the visual elements, so you want to reflect that your new brand in a way that communicates the new message and identity. The changes should be made on the company website, brand website, social media platforms, blogs, and any other means of communication between you and the audience.

This may not apply to you but it’s also important to make adjustments to your corporate image with the rebranding project. Many companies have a brand that is separate from their corporate identity. You want to let your audience know that the new changes mean that the corporation is going in a different direction. Companies often use their corporate website to serve as a public relations vehicle so it’s only natural that you shift the perception of the brand here too.

On the note of the corporation, the company will have to change its company culture. All of the staff must have an understanding of what is being changed and why. They will also need guidance and training on what they need to do to go with the changes. For example, changing to a more customer-centric brand may mean that the idea of the customer coming first may have to be drilled into the company structure. The customer support department may need to be retrained and may have be connected with the sales department for a successful transition.

As you can see rebranding is just as much about the internal structure as much as it is about the message, strategy and visual presentation. Being that the visual presentation is a large part of the change, it’s optimal to go with a designer that can help you put together a good representation of your ideas. Take note that nothing should be left to chance. It may take several iterations and testing to come up with a conclusive design. The raw numbers will be your proof of what works.