Reading Between the Lines: The Content and Usability Connection

December 28, 2016In Usability3 Minutes

Very often, when developing a website or app, the first step is presenting the client with wireframes and comps that feature placeholder text which can, and usually delivers a design that is well received, but that may not be ideal in its user experience. As a result, content that is critical to the journey is wedged into places that weren’t built to hold them.

Usability testing has shown that an interface with a simplistic structure with high quality, targeted content performs better than its counterpart with a more showy layout and lesser quality content. Beginning with a creative session – content, design and brand should all be taken into consideration. Determining the goals of the site for the organization it will be representing is key to developing a navigation structure and site architecture. Once this framework is built out, the content tends to come together more naturally and authentically.

Desktop on table near window displaying home screen content

A few elements to consider when developing content for usability:


Both for SEO and user experience purposes, it’s important to have as much original content as possible, taking into consideration relevancy to the audience and alignment with the brand.


On average, upwards of 60% of users will abandon a site if the copy is difficult to understand or navigate. Content should be concise and supported by well-designed and intentional calls to action. The landing page, in particular, should be to the point and engaging, and with the increase in mobile browsing, as brief as possible without losing the core messaging.


Nothing will make a user drop off a site than errors. This includes broken links, spelling errors and mis-information. In this ecommerce environment, rife with hackings –  accurate information does wonders to instill trust to the user.

Not only does content serves as one the most important element to drive conversion and encourage brand trust, it acts as perhaps the number one factor in an SEO strategy. A site that can extend this confidence to its users will benefit from community building and social proof.

With a clear view of the sites messaging and goals, strategists can more seamlessly deliver content that is truly reflective of the organization. The harmony of content and design is an essential step in the ultimate goal of achieving a UX that delivers useful and intuitive pathways.