Utilizing the Customer Journey Map to Elevate UX
With increasing importance placed on user experience and expectations it has become a requirement for businesses to deeply understand and respond to the needs of their consumer. The use of data is well intended, providing high level insights that are necessary to making a conversion, offering increased detail as technology develops. Despite this information at the fingertips of an organization, customer experiences remain unremarkable as most data is unable to communicate the true feedback and emotions of the audience.
Though analytic data is useful, the main roadblock is that it tends to be fragmented, resulting in a difficulty to draw actionable items from. Unless digging deep with near constant monitoring, an organization can only make small steps in optimizing their user experience through data alone. Understanding the small nuances with which a user interacts with an interface is the most direct route to creating the optimal experience which are most adeptly found by mapping the journey of the customer. It is within these small movements that decide the longevity of the user engagement and the ultimate satisfaction of the relationship.
Seemingly rudimentary when placed alongside analytics alone, the process of customer mapping delivers insights needed to create storytelling opportunities and perspectives. Because a customer journey map is comprised of an overall view of an individuals relationship and lifecycle with a brand, service or product – all forms of user research should be leveraged to compile the most information to work from.
After compiling the user research, the process of creating the map can begin. Whether opting to use mapping software or taking a longhand (post-it-note+sketchbook) approach, consider the point of view of all users rather than taking a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Opportunity for personalization is one of the key takeaway benefits from a mapping exercise.
Upon building and reviewing the initial map, work with both creative and strategic team members to identify opportunities both missed and possible. Analyze pain points to uncover ways in which to weave a newly optimized landscape, thus delivering a better experience for customers.
The use of a customer journey map is not a new activity, however, it has not been widely adopted by the digital set. Mapping has long been a tried-and-tested tool for organizations to evolve past a simple ‘sell’ and establish meaningful, long-term customer relations.
The use of maps are now being implemented by interaction designers searching for the deeper connections between business goals and user experience. Its clear that this methodology is a valuable component of UX optimization and should not be overlooked when building a digital strategy.