Your Guide to Writing for the Web

March 12, 2015In Usability3 Minutes

We’ve waxed on and on about the intricacies of content creation, ensuring that the copy you write is impeccable and specific to your brand. The importance of simplicity, relevance and readability is unparalleled when approaching your web content – but why is it so important? Everyone is talking about content, and rightfully so.

People read various materials in different ways. Reading on the web is an entirely different experience than sitting down with a cup of coffee and getting deeply involved in a novel. Web content is generally crafted to provide the most information with ultimate readability. That means that your readers can go to your website and quickly find what they’re looking for in a matter of seconds. Of course, this works in tandem with your web design and UI, but the content aspect cannot be ignored.

Your website is there for a reason – your audience is connecting with you for specific purposes and intent. Before you start getting nervous about content creation and writing for the web, ask yourself the following questions: What are the clients looking for? What tasks are they trying to accomplish? Place yourself in their shoes; close your eyes and envision the ideal user experience. Are there detailed paragraphs available for easy consumption? Or would you prefer a simple landing page with clear calls to action? There is an unlimited amount of questions you could ask yourself, depending on who your audience is. That’s the beauty of it – the diversity of your clientele makes for a dynamic creative process.

Back to Basics

The content that you create must be user-friendly. This seems self-explanatory but requires careful attention. If individuals have to read and re-read what you have to say, they will quickly lose patience and look elsewhere for a solution to their problem. You only have a few seconds to capture their attention with web design, but the content is what holds the eye and builds intrigue and meaningful client relationships.

Use the terminology your users are familiar with – do not make them struggle! Implement essential keywords that they know well – this will increase overall understanding and optimize for SEO. A win-win. Additionally, split up your copy into readable, small paragraphs. Since we are (mostly) intensely visual beings, considering layout could determine content readability and retain ability.

Remember, don’t make things more complicated than they should be. Using simple, concise language maintains clarity and creates a more enjoyable experience both for the writers and the intended audience. Your words are powerful – learn to wield them and reap the benefits.