5 Platforms for Driving Your Content Strategy

April 20, 2015In Experience5 Minutes

The ideal content strategy is guided by a thoughtful and intentional desire to help a user flow through a meaningful experience. This is where content is the driver for the long game, however, many site owners struggle with how to drive and promote created content to the right user.

With a focus on unique benefits, key goals and objectives, a powerful content strategy is driven by crafted content that is meaningful and measurable. Successful content creation will create engagement. The more content that is produced – and the more time that is spent honing and editing – the more engagement opportunities will present themselves.

Developing and delivering a steady stream of useful content will not only sustain the existing base, but bring a new prospective set delivered right to the front door. By leveraging various types of brand-building methodologies from the beginning, an organization can vastly improve their conversions and impact to the market. Creating useful content specifically tailored to an audience that is already listening will convince and convert an audience that is more than likely already privy to the brand at hand.

Through collaboration with designers, writers, an SEO specialist and marketers, information gathering can help to custom-tailor the growth experience. Along with strategically developed content, there are a range of drivers that can prove just as powerful with regard to user engagement as carefully crafted, optimized material.

Much like a referral, user-generated content is a powerful tool. The profile of the consumer has changed dramatically over time, primarily due to the accessibility of technology. A brand doesn’t necessarily speak for itself – it’s users speak for it. A range of opinions and and references are a requirement to a buyer about any product or service being considered. From site ratings, review based platforms, blog comments or social network feedback, user-generated content is now becoming the first line of decision making.

There is no magic formula for highly-shareable information, but it’s critical to have a good content strategy team to develop and deliver content that is timely, concise and compelling. Shareable content creates and drives a keen awareness for a brand. If content is useful and engaging to a user or community, it will likely be shared via social media, email or word of mouth recommendation or simply conversation fodder.

It’s not just about tagging anymore. Content must be optimized with both the user and SEO in mind, and with an increased focus on quality and experience, content must be the driver. While this creates a better user experience, it can be a challenge to implement best practices when creating content for searchability. Understanding user needs is the frontline, while writing optimized content for organic searchability is paramount.

When a user makes a purchase, this is a testimonial in itself – a conversion in it’s most basic form. Purchase based content, whether in the form of a review or simply seeing the use of a product or service in action, is the most effective driver in creating new business. Taking advantage of this via survey, review or client interview creates organic content that can be used for future marketing campaigns and promotion.

Content strategy goes well beyond the constraints of an organization. Creating integration with the reach of social networks, comparison and commerce sites, blogs and market reviewers – the plethora of outlets that influence sales and drive engagement is seemingly unending. It’s important for an organization to keep on top of both the positive and negative content cycles with an eye on thoughtful response and a strong sense of brand identity.