Microsite Design for Sub Brands

January 29, 2014In Development, Interaction, Framework4 Minutes

One of the biggest problems with trying to highlight all your sub brands under your main site is that it can easily be neglected due to the prominence of your main brand. To resolve this issue, you can set up a microsite for your sub brands. A microsite is basically a mini website that is typically an individual page or a small set of pages that are meant to highlight your sub brands or specific line of products.

Setting up these small sites for your sub brands just makes sense as it allows a sub brand to be given clear focus. To give an example, a technology company may set up a sub brand for their line of smartphones, one for their line of software applications, and one for their tablet devices. It also makes sense to set up these small sites for promotions like contests, organization objectives and events.

Person graphic designing for microsite

Just like you’d have to plan the design for your main website, you need to do the same for your microsite. Microsite design may seem like a simple task but it isn’t always the case. While a main website will have many different functions and goals, microsites are usually focused and linear. For the most part, microsites are commercial in nature and are designed to bring in leads or generate sales.

Of course, they can also be used to highlight sub brands or promote events. In the case where the sub brands need to be positioned separately from the main website, the sub brands will need a unique identity of their own. They need to be distinguished from the main brand through the design so that users understand their unique characteristics. In some cases, the core brand may need to be part of the design to lend the sub brand credibility. But it will need to be done in a way that doesn’t detract from the sub brands identity and positioning.

Because microsites are small websites, a lot of the focus goes into conversion metrics. Microsite design puts a lot into how much the design improves conversion from visitors to leads or visitors to sales. Most of the time, the navigation path will be fairly linear due to the nature of these sites and a lot of emphasis will also be put into getting the visitor to follow the determined path.

Small tweaks on microsites can make a big difference. Everything from changing the layout, using different headlines, to swapping out header graphics can lead to big bumps in conversion. Unfortunately, it can be time consuming and hectic trying to figure out what elements to test and how to approach the design in the first place. This is where we come in.

Article Resource Credit: ArtVersion

ArtVersion has helped many companies with their microsite design launches. We understand how to design for the brand while also optimizing a microsite for conversions. We can help highlight your sub brands and create a unique identity for one or more of your company’s products and services.