3 Benefits of Shifting to Responsive Web Design

July 31, 2015In Framework3 Minutes

With mobility becoming increasingly crucial for companies in any industry, it is fascinating to note that many businesses are still debating whether to implement a mobile strategy. Since top search engines have begun recommending responsive web design as a best practice for some time, companies must ask themselves a better question – why not pursue it?

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is an innovative and highly effective way of designing for the web and its user, which changes how we view websites across web-capable platforms.  The process of RWD consists of constructing a website so that, no matter what screen size a visitor uses, the site will respond and self-adjust to fit that screen size. It seems almost too simple, yet companies are still considering if it’s worth investing in RWD.

The benefits are far-reaching, both for the user and the bottom line of the company putting RWD in place.

Responsive Web Design Allows an outstanding user experience

Responsive websites will get the optimal UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) presented to them no matter what platform is being used, directly impacting profits as the great UX/UI increases conversion rates, average browsing time, and user engagement.

Increases Search Engine Ranking

Responsive web design increases mobile marketing and mobile SEO effectiveness, as organizations will not have to construct an entirely new roadmap for a mobile website. By focusing on the central site, your company will obtain the highest value from SEO tactics while enjoying the ease of a manageable mobile marketing campaign.  Correctly optimized websites are gaining an advantage as ranking algorithms favor relevance based on factors like the number of clicks, average time spent on the site, and website abandon rates.

Offers Seamless Integration

Companies will not have to worry about creating separate social media links for their desktop/laptop computers and mobile sites. Integrating mobile into every dimension of marketing (like pay-per-click ads, email marketing, social media, etc.) will make tracking all their initiatives easier and smoother, allowing those campaigns to grow more quickly.

Offering users a heightened experience, better usability, and aesthetically pleasing access to a site and its information will only assist in the short and long run. Responsive web design is one of the best investments for a company to maintain its competitive advantage in this rapidly mobile-savvy market and satisfy its customers and viewers.