Who Are You?

December 17, 2014In Research, Ideas3 Minutes

When approaching a client or viewer, organizations often start off with a sales pitch. This method isn’t quite successful, however – individuals are constantly bombarded from all sides by these types of conversations. How can a company truly stand out amongst the cacophony?

By building authenticity and finding that true voice of an organization. Not mimicking others, not trying to project a conflicting image – because that type of tactic cannot be maintained. Tone and voice is easily picked up on by viewers, and they often don’t realize it until they experience some sort of emotion when they think about an organization’s brand. Is it enticing? Is it boring? Does it seem friendly or is it determined to remain at a professional distance?

Individuals respond to passion – when you show that your company mission and culture is fully infused into your web design, viewers will more easily relate to your brand and what it stands for. If there is no authenticity, then the dedicated and strived-for goal will not be reached. Deeply and subconsciously, humans respond to warmth and drive when they perceive it in others, and will internalize messages given with that excitement.

If a company is unsure what its voice is, or how it is perceived – ask! Reaching out to your audience will build a strong impression of authenticity, inspiring users to want to be associated with your brand.

Finding inspiration in trying to identify company uniqueness can be a scary process – founders are encouraged to think outside the box and approach activities that are outside of their routine. Even shaking things up momentarily can bring new ideas to mind that were previously unthought of. Bouncing various concepts on different people can also provide the benefit of multiple minds tackling a challenge – new perspectives, paired with widely different approaches of thinking, can lend a myriad of fascinating facets.

Cultivate stories that are relevant to your brand – have conversations with clients and employees, grasping the voice and the human element that is infused in it. Encourage engagement by setting up a contributing community, putting certain submissions in the spotlight and acknowledging people who choose to participate. Gathering this authenticity while promoting your organization as one that knows itself.

Finally – don’t produce content that just sells! Become a presence and respected voice in the industry as you establish yourself as an expert within the field. Often, consumers will base their initial trust on a brand based on the information that the company can provide them. If a solid and stable content infrastructure is established, viewers will understand that any convictions they place within the brand are well-founded. Remain true to your brand and voice, and, of course, have fun with your projection – if you love your brand, the rest will follow.