Building Infrastructure

September 3, 2015In Simplicity3 Minutes

Organizational structures are built block by block – consisting of values, ideals and beliefs. Separately, they are abstract, but come together to form a narrative infrastructure. This is the framework for which a brand forms and comes into being, ideally evolving and refreshing over time. As additional systems are designed and added in response to users and marketplace ideals, the structure retains its sound quality and remains limber as the result of a constant stream of creative implementation. This structure applies to all aspects of the organization whether digital or individual, permeating each channel that a brand impacts.

A brand’s customer-facing website is the proverbial front door to this structure. There is constant energy inside the walls and, at times, even turmoil – but the core (from which it is built) keeps the system running. There are many benefits of building from the ground up and doing the work to create a sound structure; this is paramount with website architecture.

A brand should take its infrastructure and apply this directly to its site architecture to ensure consistency. It is ideal to start planning from the very beginning to deliver an aligned message and measure the impact to the market. Over time, with the constant fluctuation of the marketplace, it’s almost certain that the infrastructure of a brand will develop – in turn, the organization’s website evolves. Much like building additions or optimizing a home, it is imperative to start small with the basics and add as the need arises. The most critical aspect is that a solid foundation is built from which to expand on later. Even if the content strategy is developing, projections can be made as to what kind of content should be created as the audience gathers.

With a solidly built infrastructure in hand and clear understanding of its audience, a brand should be able to construct a usercentric site design and architecture that will maximize conversions and measure the time spent on a site, as well as discoverability – search engine visibility. Following the form of infrastructure building, the organization can ensure that the website is organized, making it easier for users to find the useful content they seek.

Additionally, creating well-themed categories and subcategories (as well as assigning content to relevant themes) is key to on-point messaging. Creating a breadcrumb navigation can also help users immensely as it allows for a natural flow in content consumption, making the user feel right at home in the soundly built structure of the trusted brand.

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