Information Architecture 2: Your Content GPS

January 14, 2015In Usability3 Minutes

Earlier, we discussed the basics of information architecture and how optimizing it will assist a brand in customer connection and meaningful interaction. Going more deeply into the industry details for optimal information sharing, the most important concepts have been grouped into three ideas: context, content, and users.


Business goals, funding, and understanding the industry trends, newly developed technology, as well as any resources and constraints involved in the process. Create a story with your brand to stand out among all the emerging brands within the dynamic market – evoke emotion, build anticipation and invite meaningful engagement to reward the active participant.

Utilize interactivity, creating an interface that can include sliders and other authoring tools to create an experience that involves a maximum amount of interaction between the user and the activity contextually. Ensuring that the viewers are absorbing themselves in content and becoming more involved in the experience – heightening emotional connection.


With great mobile optimization comes fantastic content – it’s imperative to realize that creating relevant, informative content to complement and expand on existing text can significantly improve site traffic and substantial leads, creating genuine connection with customer interactions. Simply put, working with fantastic content strategists builds upon an organization’s current site credibility and flows into meaningful brand engagement.

Helping you find your passion and letting that seep into your content, infusing spirit into your business writing – but it can seem difficult to put the company mission into words. You may be able to chat excitedly about your ideas and concepts to family and friends, but find it challenging to keep that tone when producing content for your website, knowing the importance of remaining professional and avoiding redundancy. Collaborating closely with a team of content strategists will help you put that excitement and drive into words, allowing your readers to understand your company’s unique benefits – connecting to your story and wanting to be a part of it.


Knowing your audience and its needs, the information that it seeks and the experiences that shape how it interacts with your product or service. Engage in visual storytelling. As with any great story, visual storytelling creates intrigue, evokes strong emotions, builds reader anticipation and rewards the engaged users. While most companies strive to emulate those around them, your company will stand out by engaging with your audience in a unique way. This will increase brand awareness, show your users what the organization’s unique benefits are, and develop an audience that will connect with your story (and want to be a part of it)! Use information architecture as your content GPS – navigate with precision and efficiency.