The Importance of a Versatile Corporate Identity
Like most companies, your marketing efforts probably extend to multiple platforms from direct mail, TV, print, to the Internet. One of the biggest challenges of using multiple platforms is making sure that your corporate branding is represented correctly. Your brand should be visually consistent across all channels and platforms so that it makes as big of an impact as possible and develops a rapport with potential prospects and existing customers.
In order to have a consistent representation of your corporate identity needs to be versatile. That statement sounds like two polar opposites but that’s actually not the case. It means your company’s visual representation will need to be adaptable to all platforms and channels while staying grounded to the fundamental message or identity you’re trying to convey.
Many companies have outdated logos or visual elements that may look appealing in one platform but are unattractive in others. The visual representation may also make it seem like the company is out of touch with today’s audience or trends in specific platforms. For example, a company may be using an older style logo that represents tradition and reliability in their offline marketing pieces. But the same logo may be perceived as outdated to an online audience.
Aside from what the visual elements represent, the actual graphics need to be compatible with all platforms and channels. For instance, visual elements that look great on print may not look so great in digital media. The color may appear too bright or too stale in a digital setting. The style may also seem disconnected to what’s going on in the digital atmosphere.
To make your brand’s presence impactful, you should opt to get your corporate identity redone for versatility. It all starts with your company or product logo. At my design firm we work with clients to create a logo that visually fits in all atmospheres without losing the intended message or identity. We understand that slick presentation is pointless if there’s no substance behind it. This will then extend into the look and feel of your site, your business cards, marketing pieces, and more.
A great example of the versatile corporate identity is the logo I designed for Sensational Color about a decade ago. This corp id design has proven itself time and time as it has been printed in various publications, digitally published online, on a variety of videos, printed on large scale banners, sometimes shown even in B&W, most importantly it has proven itself to withstand the time as ten years later it still looks fresh, memorizable and engaging.
So do you need to make your corporate identity versatile? Doing a simple customer survey will help you find the answer. Find out how people perceive your corporate identity offline as well as how they perceive it in other platforms and channels. If there’s a disconnect, then it’s time to plan for a visual revamp.
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