Hi There, Meet Photography.

February 12, 2015In Ideas, Creativity, Concepts3 Minutes

Photographers are in high demand now in every industry as companies search for the best possible images to represent their brand and what it stands for. Whether it’s product photography, packaging and marketing, wedding photography, urban landscapes…the list goes on. But how many of us have stopped and really thought about how this amazing technology originated?

Photography (color photography, specifically) had only been explored in the 1840s, with extremely long exposures as photographers struggled to figure out how to prevent color from fading as it was exposed to white light. The early photographic materials were mostly sensitive to blue and only minimally sensitive to green and red – when photochemist Hermann Vogel introduced dye sensitization in 1873, the influx of color flowed in. Commercial use was on the horizon.

Enter digital photography in 1981, as Sony reveals the first camera that eliminated film needs (the long process that is still practiced by many photographers to this day, keeping the tradition alive); Kodak followed suit and solidified digital photography in the professional and commercial market.

Photography tells a visual story that works hand in hand with a company’s branding. A picture truly is worth a thousand words, illustrating what the brand stands for and articulating the passion within the heart of the brand vision. When a message is talked about and endlessly discussed until there is no other way to describe any further angles, the photograph springs in and enlivens the conversation. It is the life of the party, drawing the eye and creating deep and memorable associations.

Approach any photography project with a carefully thought-out plan, as you would with any other initiative. Meaning to get the best possible results, ask every question you can think of so you can create the optimal, lasting image. Consider what message you want to be sent with your product (if, for example, you are engaging in product photography) and what angles would be the best, what level of brightness, and if the product looks relatable to the consumer.

No matter which route or method a brand decides to take when taking those images – don’t forget to enjoy the process, infusing the full brand personality within the snapshot and working closely with the photographer. That enthusiasm will translate into the end results and make for engaging, bright photos that will leave consumers with a lasting positive impression.

We’ll approach different types of photography in future posts, going into depth about corporate headshots, commercial photography, product photography and packaging (to name a few).