Lifecycle of a Startup

December 23, 2014In Ideas, Marketing, Concepts4 Minutes

Every startup has to go through a process that takes them through the creative outpouring that accompanies the new idea. Structuring this influx, this waterfall of enthusiasm and drive is crucial to stay on track and focused on the next milestone to achieve your success!

A fantastic idea has been developed that will accomplish X, Y, and Z. But at this stage, the focus is on the idea, conception and inspiration rather than facts and research. Determining if there is a market for the product or service is the next logical step for an organization, along with electing how the offered solution will increase revenue or reduce any costs for the consumer.

Here is where the product development is finalized, and the preparations for market introduction begin. Gathering more feedback from testing assists in perfecting the product’s abilities. This is the optimal time to focus on overcoming the challenge of being the “new kid on the block” and strategizing for acceptance. Concentrating on matching any opportunities with existing skills, experiences and passions – all this, paired with the considerations necessary to find professional advisors and continue planning, strategizing and engaging in market research.

Often, the completion of a business plan is a huge factor in the success of an emerging, fledgling startup. (Consider specifications like developing the business model in the first few months without receiving any revenue initially.)

The company is likely piling up on expenses and not obtaining as much revenue – as the project becomes manifest, the startup transitions into the most delicate phase in its life cycle. The main hurdle becomes accomplishing as much as possible with the low and unsteady revenue stream, in effect, doing more with less. Immersion is crucial in this stage, building up and pouring all energy into the project process and vision.

Early Stages
Striving toward each goal, one by one. The early stages focus on the milestones needed to solidify a place in the market/industry. At this point, companies should be taking notes and fixing details to achieve that perfect tuning and implementing a sales strategy that allows for consistent sales at an enduring level. Attracting clients and building customer loyalty will encompass the mission of achieving user satisfaction.
Since these are the initial stages, companies must go full-throttle. The budget is subjected to multiple revisions, and any possible extra funds should be stored in the event of an unexpected circumstance hindering project implementation.

Results are finally seen; exhale a sigh of relief. Achieving profitability, using gathered revenue to perfect products, expand market development and support current and new customers has become routine and as essential as breathing.
Creating new jobs, expanding the employee base, and building the best team for the organization. Improving upon relationships with customers. Thriving in an established market with a loyal group of customers, the audience.

Generating profits, gaining market share, and contributing to the industry. Consider public and private trade, acquire or become acquired by other companies/businesses/organizations. A new stage epitomized by a period of growth into new markets and channels. If any merging is considered, research must be done to ensure those partnering companies complement the original one, ensuring mutual benefit.