What Are the Latest Trends In Web Design?

April 6, 2015In Design, Web4 Minutes

If you’re considering a web design project, you should start by getting a full perspective of all that you can do with your website and all the creative options that are available to you. Many web design trends have been hitting the industry over the past few years. And while most people think that trends typically fade away after some time, many of these trends are here to stay for the long haul, so they are worth paying attention to.

Web Design
Photo by Negative Space from Pexels

Here are a few web design trends you should be aware of:

Unique Fonts

The big thing in the design industry is fonts and it’s clear why. Bigger and standout fonts result in increased engagement. Some companies use custom designed fonts which almost adds a branding element. The bottom line is that standard fonts are no longer cutting it. Users are too used to standard fonts and underestimate the value of a website’s content just because of the way it “looks.” Using bigger and distinct fonts really do a lot in making your website look and feel fresher.

Minimalist Design

With most Internet users confused with complex designed sites and a multitude of choices, it’s refreshing to see designers going with minimalist designs. These designs have limited navigation paths, lots of space, simple layouts, often have large leaderboards, and focus on the core message and purpose. The user immediately understands what to do, why they’re on the site, and what they can expect. This is a great design style to go with if your site has a few simple objectives.

User-friendly Navigation

For the longest time, navigation has been one of the most distracting aspects of a website. Many designers that are using sticky navigation widgets that reveal the progress of how far you’ve consumed the content and take you to different content on the same page (great for blogs). Another navigation option that is user friendly is tabbed navigation menus that quickly expand and collapse with a click. This is more convenient than hovering over drop-down navigation menus to view your options.

Parallax Design

While parallax design isn’t new, it’s still fresh to many users. Many websites started employing the scrolling effects of parallax in 2012. The trend slowed down a bit since then but it has made its mark in the design world. Parallax design is still effective and works great for websites that want to present a revealing visual element to engage users. It is a great way to tell stories or when sell products where the aesthetics matter.

Video Prominence Over Text

More websites are starting to show rather than tell. They are letting videos tell the story and sell the prospect while using text as support. This design approach works quite well for products and services that aren’t so simple to explain, but they can also be used to sell the benefits of physical products that have aesthetic importance. It’s important to note that the quality of the video production is very important if you’re going to rely on this approach. With that said, videos do not have to be complex by any means.