Creative Agency: Important Facts When Looking for a New Creative Agency

April 29, 2014In Research, Agency3 Minutes

If you’ve been trying to find the right creative agency to work with, you’re probably inundated with all the available choices. There are many great agencies, but it’s more about working with an agency that can deliver on your needs and match how your company works. Some of the few things to look into include the company’s culture, their capabilities, and the types of designs they focus on.

Creative agency team working on the photos for design
Creative agency team working on the photos for design

You first need to consider what kind of creative agency you’re dealing with. Some agencies only focus on the digital arena, some only focus on offline and some only work with multimedia. Ideally, you want to go with an agency with the expertise to deliver on multiple marketing channels and media types. You also want to look at how big a company is. Small agencies may not be able to handle bigger projects and can lack experience. Big agencies may outsource their work or treat you as a number rather than a personal client. It’s good to look at mid-size agencies if you’re looking for the best service.

Next, look at the kinds of design agencies have done for their past clients. You have to understand that an agency that has completed many web development and design projects may not have expertise in all design areas. For example, only a handful of agencies understand UX and UI design, even though they may have a wide website portfolio. Look at your design needs and evaluate the companies to see which ones have the experience to deliver.

Finally, look at the culture of the company. Some agencies will want their clients out of the way so that they can speed up the project. Few will work closely with their clients and even collaborate to create a final product that both agree on. Some agencies will run your project through an assembly line, whereas the few that understand how projects are created will build a team that works on your project collaboratively to produce something of high quality.

Most companies make a decision based on presentations, portfolios and sales meetings. If you’re trying to find the right match, you need to look a little deeper. Following the three steps above will help you narrow down your choices and help you find an agency that creates the results you’re looking for and works well with your team.