Choosing Your Ideal Web Design

October 2, 2014In Development, Framework4 Minutes

Approaching your web design strategy, as you are bombarded with countless options and need to ensure that your customers can use your site easily and that it embodies your company image – sounds overwhelming.

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We have compiled a short list that can assist you in narrowing your focus and seeing what options you have – laid out easily, with advantages and disadvantages; this list can help you quiet your mind and approach your design strategy with more information and clarity.

Static Web Design

This type of design is delivered to the user exactly as it is stored, displaying the same information for any viewer. They are often HTML documents stored as files and made available by the web server. This type of design is ideal for websites that do not need to be updated frequently (or even at all) – since maintaining many static pages can be time-consuming and perhaps even impractical, any static site will often remain simple and contain few pages.

Advantages: Quick and inexpensive to develop and cheap to host.

Disadvantages: Requires web development expertise to update the website, the simplicity makes it not as useful for the viewers, and content can stagnate.

Dynamic Web Design

Websites that are constructed and controlled by an application server. Every new web page is set up and predetermined in the scripting and coding. Interestingly, the content of this type of website is always updated by itself based on the content of the database that drives it. Many larger websites focus on this design, coupled with CMS.

Advantages: Website restructuring is easier (ensuring longevity), and website contributors only need basic skills (no need to be an expert to make modifications).
Disadvantages: More difficult to set up, maybe more expensive for smaller companies (investment may not be seen as justifiable).

CMS (Content Management System) Website

These pages allow for publishing, editing, and modifying content (as well as organizing, deleting, and general maintenance). CMS sites are ideal for blogs, news sites, and retail companies! This form of design has two basic elements: CMA (content management application), which is the user interface that allows even beginners to modify content without intervention from an expert; second, CDA (content delivery application) compiles the information that the user input and updates the site making the process smooth and intuitive.

Advantages: Security, SEO-friendly, dynamic content and easily integrate-able with social media, as well as giving users control.
Disadvantages: Hosting can be expensive, and some systems need constant server maintenance and must be upgraded consistently with any software changes.

Ecommerce Web Design

That is exactly what it sounds like – the best option for businesses that run their stores online. Typical characteristics include online payment accessibility for products and services, with integration for Paypal or other options. These types of sites are usually dynamic and driven through databases.

Advantages: Low operational costs, convenience for customers (which will then contribute to an expanded customer base), and minimal barriers to entry for any new companies.

Disadvantages: Inability to experience products before purchase, need for internet connection (though this may not be an issue for most users), constant updating and site maintenance to ensure that the UX (user experience) remains top-notch.