3 Ways to Stand Out: Personalize Your Brand

December 16, 2014In Research, Ideas, Creativity, Marketing4 Minutes

Ever since childhood we are taught the importance of being your own person, shaping yourself to be who you want to be (and of course maximizing our potential), and creating our own path. Making a footprint in life, etc. So is it really surprising that as adults we stress the significance of personalizing our web design and workspace?

Your website is the greatest chance an organization has at a fantastic first impression – while both current and new customers see that there was real effort put into the design process, even a company considering the rebranding process can see that there is great value in personalizing. Showing your audience that you’ve taken the time to consider their needs and have created an interface that mirrors those values (showing them that your organization is serious about its message) is one of the best tactics to great customer interaction. Why? Because humanizing your website and creating a genuine tone/voice for your organization will increase customer loyalty – working with people is definitely more appealing than an aloof, robotic site.

Personalizing a website will also work well with print media and online marketing – but you must be careful to ensure that it is high quality, displaying the organization’s uniqueness in the most professional way possible. Do not sacrifice quality for quantity, as some companies feel that filling their site with content will make them seem like more credible, reliable sources in the industry. Relevant content is becoming increasingly valued and viewers want real content and communication when they peruse websites.


How can you stand out as your own dependable source?

A few ways to make it your own:

1. Identify and acknowledge your company’s unique skill set(s). Meeting with your team, contributing ideas and thought processes, will give you some insight as to what the employees value (extremely poignant information, as your employees are the main voice of your organization).

2. Are you passionate about your brand? Good, keep it that way. If you aren’t? Find that passion, now! Having a unrelenting drive for quality is what will make you stand out among your competitors (often companies that have had more experience or have their own skill set), delivering on your brand’s promise as well as perfecting your design. 
The most powerful and relatable means of communication is provided through telling a story with your brand.

3. Open your mind to taking chances and branching out into innovation. Since the design market is constantly changing and responding to emerging trends, companies must be open to new ideas if they are to keep up with the ebb and flow. 

Maintaining relevancy and growing along with the ever-evolving industry means that an organization has to stay on its toes. Most of all, be confident in your company’s value – once that assertion is made, it will be easier to infuse that excitement into your website and brand, improving your user experience and company perception.